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Protest at Ikeja, under the bridge

Davy Fidel (Freelance)

It might interest us to know why the FG decided to postpone the hike in pump price.  This is not possible because it might be linked to the recent military coup in Burkina Faso. Added to it, the tension and anger of the masses piling up against the regime. 

The endsars is one significant lesson, which is still fresh in the minds of Nigerians despite the labour leaders calling off the January 27 National Protest.

However, what is important is that the future of this country is not saved in the hands of the ruling elites. It is either we take power or the 1% get fatter and bigger while the 99% remain slimmer and continue begging for food and life to live.

The question of a military coup as it is taking place in different African countries won't resolve the social contradiction of capitalism. Nigeria might not be immune from the cloud hovering. But the question remain, does the premise of a military coup in Nigeria possible? The answer is either/neither.

Along with this, people should know that the military coup in Nigeria in the past hasn't resolved the fundamental challenges of hunger, poverty and inequality. The past military regime had only served one interest: imperialism and local tycoons.

The IBB regime was one among the several. At least, our parents witness the era of IBB and have plenty to say about it. The regime was in power and introduced SAP (Structural Adjustment Programme). This policy ruined the life of millions of Nigerians. It rendered the economy disastrous and fed the bellies of the business tycoons.

Then, I was a teddy. But my late Pa complaint about the regime and the state of the economy as in other working-class families who felt the SAP programme was a bullet in their heart. If today a military coup occurred in Nigeria, nothing fundamentally will change. What we will have is a change of government, not the system.

Without a planned society where the working people will manage the means of production. Nothing fundamentally will change. Nigerians should not be deceived. The military is not any different in terms of the policy with the so-called civilian regime we have. They are both the same thing. 

It is only an organise socialist society that can make that change we desire. But to affect it, the working people need to organize themselves with a pro-mass socialist programme to defeat CAPITALISM. A better society is possible if we begin to organise ourselves as forces that can pull down the wall of oppression.

The 2023 general election is blowing everywhere. People are discussing it. However, they are a lot of cold and hot minds conflicting the difference between the tinubu and the Atiku as candidates to come forward. These guys or dudes are defenders of global capitalism and defenders of privatization and deregulation. They will serve the interest of the capitalist politicians.

Without a working people's political party with a clear programme to improve life and industrialize the economy. Nothing good should be expected if ATIKU (PDP or the New PDP) or TINUBU (APC) wins the presidential election. The worst of Nigeria added to the Buhari regime, shall hit us badly and break us to pieces like the House of Dragons burnt people alive to keep themselves in power.

It is either socialism or barbarism for the future of NIGERIA and the world at large. If not, poverty shall eat us deep that we won't be able to imagine it. Capitalism is not the future of our world. Socialism is our hope and our future. To achieve it, working people need to organize against the wrath coming, these guys are preparing to unleash.


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