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Young people between the age bracket of 15 to 17 in Literary and Freethinkers Forum (LFF), gathered to discuss on the topic: "Why is Change Difficult in our Society?". The Forum (LFF) was initiated by group of writers who are tutors in Solution Tutorial. The purpose is to engage young people, for them to be able to explore their creativity, and think outside the box of convention.

Friday 15 March, 2019 was the third episode of the Forum, since it was launched three weeks ago. More than Twenty Five (25) persons were in attendance, mostly students, to do what they know best. Also, to equally interact and discussed issues around them as young people. Are all the spices put together, that made why a lot of persons are attractive into the Forum. 

The program started exactly 12:30pm this Friday. Two poems: "Letter to Mother Lucy" and "My Country" were all recited to wet the ground, before the discussion kick off. In one of the poem recited by Michael (Tutor/Poet) it states: "if words can pluck the moon" and words like "nailed to the cross of the mind", got a lot of students trigger with amusement. 

The same thing with a brilliant poem of Emmanuel (a student in the Tutorial), who through his poem expresses the version of his consciousness, over the failed policies of the Nigerian government. And the question of where is the ruling elites taking this country to, which in his poem: "my Country", he expresses fear. A lot of students especially a 60 year old woman attending the same Tutorial with the student. 

She expresses her own view when she said. "the poem: 'my country' unveil the misdeed in our country. How the leaders of this country has fail to do the needful because of their interest. Perhaps profit. Not interested in what the people go through in life". After much addo has been given as credit to the two brilliant poem, creatively render by the creators of these work. There were huge applaud among the students over the poems recited. A students said the poems were "fantastic".  

Emmanuel kick the ball rolling with the topic: "Why is Change Difficult in Our Society?". He said, "the reason why change is difficult in our society is because of the policies of government, the life style of people and the way the society we live has been organized". He equally said, in bringing the necessary change we need. People must begin to change their mentality to correct things around them. 

Other students and persons who spoke (at the middle of the program) disagree with the view of "life style" and also for the certain change we need, to start with our "mentality". The connotation behind these for those who spoke after the introductory discussion by Emmanuel depict individualism. Some were of the view that our "life style" is not the major problem neither our "mentality". Perhaps the way the society is organized. 

That people can't be able "change" their life style if the needful is not adequately put in place. That no matter the effort of the individual, there is much that can be done by the individual itself.  While other view were if the individual doesn't position him or her self well, how possible will that change we seek come? That it is only through this can we have a better society. While other view emphasized that changing "our mentality" is one core before any other thing. 

One of the person, who spoke later at the heat of the discussion, uses Finland and Nigeria to draw a sharp comparison; over why people can only change their "mentality" or psychologically their "life stlye", if the society is position well with the right policies. By and large, every one who spoke on the topic with their sharp reaction over the matter. Agreed at the end of it all, that "change" must be effected in our "society", to move our Society forward. 

Why this was noted, the essence of reading books was also pointed out by those who came for the first time to attend the Forum. Books were recommended for young people especially students to pick and read. That it is only through books "we" can get things right. However, one of the person who spoke said "in spite of preparing for the upcoming exams. The need of reading 'books' as young people will do more service to them". 

They must till the habit of reading books, for that "change" we desire, to be effected in our society. Subsequent Literary and Freethinkers Forum (LFF) is to base it's topic on “Why Do People Read Books?". The interact/discussion shall come up next Friday 22 March, 2019, with poetry, music, stories etc as an addition to spice the program and to persuade the creativity of young people in the slum of Ajegunle, wanting to discovered themselves.

By ©Davy Fidel 


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