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Joblessness is not what millions of people want or wish for when they are capable of offering their ability to ensure the economy develops such that government can  provide daily need for all without turning back for the poor to beg for meal like ‘Oliver Twice’ in Britain.

People wish good things in life. People want to see life working for them in whichever way they can afford as far it is going to improve their standard of living. But the fact that opens the vamp of social contradiction is that, people on daily basis can’t access themselves to these things. They crawl to even have the nothing left in the mold by the government policies.

The everyday people want to believe life isn’t green card they should perish like flea or be hospitalising for, before getting life of comfort whenever the need arises. This has been the thinking of every average poor person who thinks
comfort should be life. As the saying goes: nobody in her/his right senses will say roaches taste delicious when haven’t eaten crayfish spice with spinach.

Good life shouldn’t be privilege from the people but a right that government mustn’t fail to provide abundantly and adequately without hold back. Water, education, electricity, food, transport, housing, employment etc should be made available by the bosses in government not necessarily contesting it with policy that serve private pocket.

All over the globe, people from poor background complain the same thing due to the way government in different countries and continents manage public resources. Because of this economic hardship, people have to placard, agitate and demonstrate; sometimes strike over the failure and negligence of government to provide their basic need, which it is the right of the deprived people.

Despite this, in many part of the world it is like a tradition for the poor to rise as collective undermining belief, culture and language in flame, to say enough is enough for vultures in power and government, using politics to victimise them that they won’t accept it any more. The demands of people are not delusional but necessity to have without any cost attached to it.

However, due to the way politicians from pro-business parties background run politics and government both in Europe, America and neo-colonial backward nations and countries for the benefit of empowering private monopoly and investment. Millions of people have to die in poverty. At least it was reported more than 64% per cent of Nigerians live below poverty-line (Daily Post, 5 September, 2017).

It is given that capitalist politicians will usually put forward excuses about the somnambulism of the economy. Perhaps, it is a necessity for people to have better life whether the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in figure is excellent or not; whether there is economic retrogression or not as it is currently occurring in Nigeria.

Text Box: More than 64% per cent of Nigerians live below poverty-line (Daily Post Newspaper).

People will have to eat, drink, and enjoy basic amenities like clean water, regular power supply, quality education, provision of adequate employment, health, living wage (not peanut) etc to be happy. Fundamentally, the opposite is attack on social welfare as daily World News report like in Britain, US, France etc that unleash canon policies of privatisation killing the poor.

In the publication, Vanguard News of 27 June, 2017 said “for instance, in Lagos, about 90 per cent of the residents do not have daily access to clean and safe water”. And 63 million Nigerians don’t have access to clean water and go at length to surf for drinking water. Also, 130, 000 children died annually because of infected water.

Economic analysts on their part try to assure people that the economy will kick up undermining the failure of the Buhari regime wearing the armour of capitalism. And with the current reality and the status quo of poverty, living condition for people gets harder by the day. Cost of living is beyond poor working families that live on the verge of poverty.

Because of the height of poverty and from social observation in Nigeria that in every 10 working class families most especially in the destitute communities, 7 hardly eat two nutritious meals for the day. People live from dirt to mouth. Hunger and food crisis is a glaring fact of the growth of poverty in the neo-liberal free market economy of Nigeria.

People on daily basis complain about the failure of this administration and the calamity brought on them. Poverty is on the rise. Cost of living is rocket launch attached to the hyper-inflation that runs 1000% per cent increment in virtually all items. Whichever way some stock market economists or analyst will want to analysize the sunken economy of Nigeria that isn’t more than 0.17% GDP as possibly something that can be reformed.

And despite the excuses offered, the Buhari government has failed woefully in the past two years of the administration. Nothing practically has happened. Poverty continues to be on the rise. Unemployment crisis is boiling for explosion. And with the two years left for Nigerians to live through lumbago and lugubrious of its time under this failed government; nothing fundamental will definitely change for the poor average person despite what Buharites pretend to offer to swaying people.

Instead, the crisis will continue to get worse and terrible for people. Psychological trauma on daily basis will increase because of poverty. In fact, it will both psychologically and socially tear people apart, as it does occur in most communities in Nigeria because of the capitalist politicians, parliamentarians’ inability to address social crisis with social welfare to improve living condition with public resources.

And within the sphere of this regime, the everyday people bitterly pour out grief mind over the way the economy is being hospitalized in the surgeon theatre of capitalist policies. For the everyday people living in poverty, corruption which Buhari government claims to be fighting is like shadow inside darkness. It hasn’t changed anything for the poor. What it has done is to sustain itself with the face of being genuine. Whereas, it is just to buy applause of Nigerians that the government is caring and reputable.

For the average person anger with the way the economy falters every day. Any government that can’t resolve the issues of food, shelter, job creation etc as primary responsibility isn’t worthy to manage public resources. This is as simple reading a novel. It is only a socialist government with mass oriented plan program that can guarantee basic necessities of life for the everyday people.

Fidel Davynovich


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