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In recent time, the numbers of youth restiveness between the ages of 15 to 23 in the past ten to fifteen months have being on the rise in various communities of Lagos State and Nigeria as whole. These youth engage themselves into petty social crime and even on the extreme as way out to resolve the immediate mountainous crisis left in the mouth of poor working class families.....
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to bite by the system of capitalism without any philosophic program to resolve the compounded contradiction.

This is to further continue to bull and point fingers harder at the faces of APC, PDP, and all bourgeois political parties responsible to the growing crisis killing the economy that they are all complete failure. The APC and PDP were wolves eating the goats in the field of plenty. They are the creator of what haunt us today because of the system of profit which to them is primary before providing social amenities just like in what Jakande government did in the second Republic through State intervention.

But what we have seen in the two years of this regime under the APC government in the palm of Buhari/Osibanjo administration, who called themselves changers to break the chain of poverty, is to continue from where the former looters under Jonathan administration has stop as reality reveals. They haven’t in any way implement working class pro-mass policies to really effect changes they bribed Nigerians in the 2015 general election that became a street talk. As far the APC, PDP and all looters parties are in government continue to run the philosophy of capitalism. Things will get worst and life to remain miserable for the poor class.

As it is currently seen in the country, the rise of youth restiveness haunts people with fear because of the corrupt capitalist politicians that have held the progress of this country down like prisoners. Among others, the unemployment crisis is one colossal failure both the PDP, APC federal and state government can’t solve as things stand. However, some of these youths (boys and girls) who engages into social crime are mostly dropout from public and private schools in the poor ghetto communities, whose parents can’t be able or afford to pay and provide their immediate needs.

Because of the social experience that drinks from the cup of social reality, many of these parents who are poor market men and women, unpaid pensioners owed by both Federal and States government for more than five years and six months, the unpaid minimum wage of N18, 000: 00 including jobless parents felt the Buhari government is wrapping Nigeria with the blanket theme of barbarism as far they are concern judging from the inability of the bourgeois government to implement any pro-mass reform program base on nationalizing the commanding height of the economy not for profit as usual.

The 2017 budget of Nigeria totaling the sum of N7.298trillion where education, health, transport were N398.01, N252.87, N262 billions respectively confirm that the APC government is a total failure to the Nigerian masses. That doesn’t have the growing gargantuan crisis at heart as the budget reflects where Capital Expenditure of N2.24trillion even when is 30% higher compare to 2016, still weeps bitterly under the nift anus of how bourgeois politicians have now and then ruin the country. This shows that the APC Buhari/Osibanjo government circle with policies of privatization and deregulation drives the country into further deeper crisis eating raw the poor people.

Privatization and commercialization should be held responsible for whatever is going on not the Nigerian poor working class families and the rise of youth restiveness currently witness in the Nigeria; as some bourgeois theoretician tries persuade us into stoicism for us to have sympathy for the government that the Buhari/Osibanjo APC failure government inherited this economic recession. This for reality is a colossal lie that has broken itself with contradiction as we have seen the inevitability of the APC capitalist oriented party finds it hardly to fight the so-called corruption they claim to do.

That is why the need to nationalize the commanding height of the economy under workers democratic control and management including the poor masses is not out of place to challenge the system of inequality breeding somnambulism subsistence. The youth restiveness is not also unconnected to the provision of social amenities being in place by the government to curb the psychological collapse of the human mind left in the conundrum of destitution.

According to a recent publication from New Telegraph on Wednesday January 23, 2017 reported a version of the Youth Restiveness that is growing, linking it to gangster group like the One Million Boys and how it emerged, the Indomie Boys etc in the various part of Lagos. The report further said according to a quoted passage in it. “The main problem is unemployment and poverty in the land is one of the major reasons youths are being lured into these groups. Anyone who isn’t jobless (or acquired the necessary free quality public education government should have provide) wouldn’t fall prey to these rascals”.

It is just like what Awolowo the then leader of the Action Group in the First Republic said. “When you give a man a hole to dig for twenty years and you are consistent paying the wage. That man will never stop digging. But the moment you take the digging away from him. He takes back to social crime”. This is the exact nature of what the today’s Federal and State government of APC, PDP have created in our society, failing to implement pro-mass policies that will improve the poor living condition. The ideology of capitalism has created.

Like in Ajegunle, the rise of youth restiveness is another episode among other States in the federation where bourgeois politicians run draconian policies have rolled out through failure of providing social package for the mass. Like between October to December, 2016 these restless youths between the ages of 16 to 20 belonging to different groups like Campus Boys, Shofori Boys etc. move in their hundreds to embark on community clash with other group. For some of them it is an avenue to adventure into stealing, destroying petty properties, injuring each other etc. that people in the neighbourhood have to run for hiding.

And because of the growing rate of poverty that is more than 70% in many working class families living under the unpaid minimum wage of N18, 000, about thirty States government have refused to pay and shifted the budget for business. The numbers of youth on daily basis in social crime and unrest increase every day. In every week, there is every possibility that two or three days hardly goes by without being end up with these teenage boys embarking in collision in the community. This has being the consequential feature of what capitalist policies have created. The worst of this is that a lot of these boys that stroll in the street in group without job, adequate funded education and better living condition government should have provided erupt into something else.

While this is a notable scene among hundreds going on in other States in Nigeria that has evolve in poor working class communities where youth restiveness is rapidly growing because of unemployment, lack of proper funded public education, better living condition, creation of recreational centres, provision of free acquisition skill centres etc. Both the Buhari and Ambode led APC government and its crook business tycoons might want to hiss itself outside the pointing fingers directed to them.

But from the tune of reality and class differences created by neo-colonialism and neo-liberalism respectively down to the throat of economic hardship people are going through in addition to the tonnage of poverty. Its confirms capitalism and all business parties are failures; and unable to resolve the economic challenges faced by people, unless there is a scientific socialist transformation of society things will continue to get terribly.

An example to hammer the head of APC Buhari Federal and Ambode State government are the budget for education in 2017 that is 7% and 5% respectively are far below the UNESCO standard of 26% budgetary allocation for developing country like ours. It is not even enough to provide all the necessary quality education needed in the country, which hugely is what is responsible to the numbers of youths dropout from school that later recruited themselves into destitute groups in the ghetto poor class communities.

This for itself further confirms that the APC Buhari/Osibanjo led chain philosophy and other bourgeois politicians and syndicate in government are incapable to provide the so-called change as its 2017 budget said: “We will CHANGE our habits and we will CHANGE Nigeria” claim to offer Nigerians. Ultimately, if youth restiveness will have new face entirely expected by Nigerians, the need of government having pro-mass oriented program and using public resources to provide basic social welfare for the poor class is un-debatable.

With the boost of the 2017 budget where bench mark for crude oil is US$42.5 per barrel and to be sold in world oil market at the rate of US$58 and above as the market decides in capitalist economy; nothing practically should be expected by the poor working mass from this regime. What will befall is more of this social unrest seriously hitting young people right now embarking into horrible means to survive. However, in the coming period the rate of this social unrest and youth restiveness will get sharper to cut us. In fact, people living in fear currently will be redoubling if the economy hardship continues as it is currently design.

Perhaps, a sharp comparison needs be drawn to slap the mouth of the APC, PDP politicians toasting the celebration of crude oil price jumping from US$20 per barrel to US$58 per barrel currently; and yet the revenue of it will finally end in their bank account. That what the Jakande UPN government in the second republic did with public resources is triple to what today’s pro-capitalist politicians can’t do because program oriented towards the poor class demands become the determinant of a better government.

Even though the Jakande regime in Lagos State in 1979 to 83 was never a socialist in nature yet it was able through a pro-mass radical program at least reduce the rate of poverty to a measurable ratio. Hundreds of free funded qualitative public primary and secondary classrooms and schools were built equipped with adequate facilities including Lagos State University. Employment was created with good living condition; housing, roads, etc were all put in place under the Jakande UPN government.

This is to show in scientific socialism that public resources under the democratic control and management of the means of production by workers and the poor class  where elected officers must be subject to recall not what later took place in the Soviet Union by the Stalinist Bureaucracy and machinery years after the revolution; failing to understand the benefit of the 1917 Russian socialist revolution, will adequately used public resources to totally eradicate the growing nifty rate of poverty leading to barbarism under capitalism.    



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