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Beg to have water

The meaning of life is water. Water is nature. And we are offspring from nature. Evolution speaks more of it. That, life started from water. The very beginning of humankind from “ovum” has the utmost impact of water existence. This, meaning, no life can’t subsist without water.
Why it becomes inseparable for life to activate without water is because, if it possible that life can subsist without… it means, in the first place why do we have water? Why do we have nature? Why do we need oxygen? T he interpretation of this, point, that, life is inseparable from nature, because we are product and descendant of water.
Water is everything. Water is the why we exist. Water is an expansion of life. Water is the rocket to colonalize, to travel beyond boundary. Water is the breed of consciousness. Water is the materialism of science. Water is the materialism of human exploration of creation. Water is an open door of conscious creativity of our world built by our hands. Water is never spiritualism. Water is never created by any creator of invisibility. Water is creator itself. Water talks more of everything to know about everything.
Still, power has made life to beg to have water. Why? Consciousness will want to interpret interpretation to telescope causes. To get the formula of what is amiss? Why? Water becomes commodity, even when abundance surrounds humanity; yet, water is out of reach. This is not to double meaning with non-clarity but is to tell why now that, the availability of water is seize by power hand that control everything, because of control of civilization and production in the nomenclature of dictatorship. For this motive, water is begged to have. Prostration before majesty throne of market is seen as an entrance to see that oxygen in water is gotten.
Not to run before knowing the mile. This tone words will want to fly to spread wings by saying water is everywhere. Yes! Water is everywhere. Infact, water is the beginning of life. Yet, water is the meaning of why we exist. This explains that, as water is everywhere, this is not to mean that black water is white water or poison water is clean water. No! the reason to know does not fling or fly away for the head to grab, is to know that production and profit development are responsible to why this affordability of water is class in the then and now of society.
The scene tells the other side story of why water is commodity. Of why? Water is oxygen to sustain existence. And why water is everything. But, because of the structure of life and the commodity system, water becomes property of the super-rich, instead of property of all humankind. Due to the historic of society and property antagonism, class becomes the product of determination of water.
Fartherly, this scene explain the life of the toilers that hunt for water to survive their existence because consciously is primary functionality of human life. Water have been taken away from them, everything have been full-stop with exchange value to measure the life to get. This art do not speak assumption, it speaks the everyday life of oppressed who live in total emptiness. The ugliness of what see is to reminiscent how history never speak double about the reality of hungry-plate that starve to death, even when water can remedy life, yet, this is what the proletariat got: life without water.


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